Court Whitman
Inspiring High Performance
As a College Athlete, Special Forces Commando, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Entrepreneur, son, brother and father, my life continues to develop daily. So much so, that I believe that life is a constant state of transition.
I’m Passionate About High Performance, People and Teams
I draw upon my professional and personal life experience to inspire High Performance in others. For me, High Performance is defined as: Success in desired results, above established norms, over the long-term.
How Do My Services Work?
I believe that the path to High Performance varies because people are complex, have challenging problems to solve, and passionately pursue meaning, fulfillment, and results. I engage with individuals, teams, and organizations to explore Identity, Behavior, Competence, Influence and Impact. I collaborate with my clients as a Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Podcast Host and Keynote Speaker to best serve you.
Why Do I Work In This Way?
Because when we deeply understand who we are, we can begin to understand our behavior. And behavior impacts our influence. It’s our ability to influence, that directly drives our ability to deliver meaningful results.
Change Your Behavior and You Can Change Your Results
Coaching is an Intentional Conversation
As a Leadership Coach, I engage with my clients and listen intently, ask powerful questions, and provide feedback to support their journey in self-directed learning, increased self-awareness, growth in perspective and an enhanced capacity to thrive. My coaching process is future focused, supports personal and professional development, and creates actionable strategies to achieve specific goals.
I’m Fascinated With High Performing Teams and Organizations
I believe that trust is a critical element that enables group High Performance. Teams often ask me “How can we build trust rapidly within our group?” For me, the answer is simple. You can build trust with a simple formula:
Deliberate Discomfort + Celebration = Trust
I arrived at this conclusion after being subject to an incredible amount of deliberate discomfort associated with my training as an athlete, training as a Special Forces commando, and in the work I’ve completed executing trust and team building events for others and now offer amazing opportunities for teams to experience the depth of trust that can come from similar activities through our team building experiences.