I’m passionate about High Performance, people and teams. I draw upon my professional and personal life experiences to inspire High Performance in others as an Executive Coach, Leadership Coach, Consultant, Instructor, Adventure Guide, Podcast Host and Keynote Speaker.
My Career and Qualifications
I retired from the U.S. Army in 2016 as a Special Forces Green Beret after many incredible experiences in varied high-threat and high-performing environments in Hawaii, Washington, Georgia, North Carolina, South America, Afghanistan and also in Iraq. While in the military, I led specialized teams of 2 to 165 people, programmed budgets in excess of $130 million, and traveled the country to connect, educate, and inspire others to pursue world-class service in Special Operations. Following my Army retirement, I graduated from George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-being as a certified Leadership coach, since then, have coached over 450 clients totaling over 2,000 hours of one-on-one intimate coaching sessions. In 2018 I founded Court Whitman Inspiring High Performance with the mission to Unlock Your Hidden Potential and Develop Your Competence so You Can Achieve Incredible Results. In 2019, I created the High Performance Pathways Podcast because I believe that everyone has a different path to high performance and hearing about the paths other professional’s have journeyed along is informative and inspiring. For a detailed view of my career, click here.
Why I Coach, Team Build, Facilitate and Speak
My clients and the work that I do bring me significant joy because I thrive in situations where I can help people and organizations that are complex, who have challenging problems to solve, and passionately pursue meaning, fulfillment, and results in their work and home life.
Why You Should Get in Touch With Me
As an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – People come to me because they have a problem to solve, a change to be made, a dream to fulfill, a missing conversation that needs to happen, an organization to inspire, a perspective to explore or a goal to reach.
My coaching work specializes in coaching high performing veterans and athletes who are in transition out of the military and out of competitive sport and into their first civilian vocation. I passionately explore identity, strengths, core competencies, behavior, belief, and influence to best develop managerial and leadership skills, define performance excellence, and create optimal organizational culture to achieve results for individuals and their teams. So much so, that I published the article From Locker Room, To Team Room, To Conference Room. An Athletes 25 Year Journey to Fulfillment in the Workplace.
Life is a constant state of transition. How can I partner with you or your team to inspire your High Performance?
“I honestly believe you found your gift Court. Move those mountains. This is God’s calling for you.” -Tara
My Clients Include:
Honesty I speak the truth but more broadly I present myself in a genuine way and I act in a sincere way. I take responsibility for my feelings and my actions.
Spirituality I have coherent beliefs about a higher purpose and meaning of the universe. Because of that, I know where I fit in within the larger scheme. I have strong beliefs about the meaning of life that shape my conduct and provide me comfort when I need it.
Perseverance I’m gritty. I finish what I start. I grind through in spite of obstacles.
Humility I let my accomplishments speak for themselves. I do not regard myself as more special than I am.
Bravery I don’t shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. I speak up for what’s right even if there is opposition. I act on my convictions even if unpopular. This includes physical bravery but certainly is not limited to just that.
Achiever I have a great deal of stamina and work hard. I take great satisfaction from being productive.
Learner I have a strong desire to learn and I want to continuously improve.
Competition I measure my progress against the performance of others. I strive to win first place and I revel in contests.
Relator I enjoy close relationships with others and I find great satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
Deliberative I take serious care in making decisions and choices. I anticipate obstacles.
Getting Results I am willing to do what it takes to reach my goals. Once I’ve established what needs to be done, I go after it, and I don’t let obstacles stand in my way. I’m not likely to make excuses for failure, not accept any.
Taking Action I am eager for success and I like to hit the ground running. People do think of me as a really good listener due to my calm presence and even temperament. I do have quite a bit of patience when working with others and I am likely to teach people things in order to make process more effective. However, I have little patience for hesitancy when instructions are clear or a decision on the way-ahead has been made.
Once I choose a course, or have been given a course, I want to take quick action and keep things moving.
Offering Challenge I will speak up when I see flaws and inefficiencies, but I will make my opinion known diplomatically when required. I can be candid too. I work hard to understand my audience so that my opinion, especially in disagreement, can be received well. I value efficiency and candor and I welcome challenge from others regarding my approach and performance because I believe that this is how I improve.