Invite Court into your team or organization to hear his story of Bravery, Honesty, Humility, Perseverance and Faith while he pursued High Performance.
The goal of this keynote is to share Court’s perspective on High Performance, differentiate Leadership and Management, and share High Performance Habits that allow individuals, teammates, and managers to perform at incredibly high levels.
Click below link for an example of the Keynote Slide content. Content will change to meet the need of the audience.
High Performance Perspectives (Court Whitman)
Contact Court for proposal.
The goal of this keynote is to share discipline’s role in Court’s ability to perform at high levels in his career as a NCAA DI Athlete, Special Forces Commando, and CEO & Managing Director for his own business. Specifically, comments will touch on what Court calls his TOP 9 Deliberate Disciplined Habits. Habits that include: Self-Awareness, Self-Care, Create Vision & Mission, Know & Embracing your unique Role, Practice, Set Annual Goals, Identify Success Criteria, Seek Value-Aligned Decision Making, and Doing Routine things Routinely.
Click below link for an example of the Keynote Slide content. Content will change to meet the needs of the client.
Deliberate Discipline and its impact upon High Performance
Contact Court for Proposal.